Friday, 29 February 2008


Well I'm a week late getting on here (bad Mummy) but there has been such a lot of stuff going on. We had a little children's party for him actually on his Birthday, unfortunately he was feeling under the weather (more on that later!) but I think he enjoyed it and he joined in in his first game of pass the parcel :)

We bought him a wooden trike (without pedals) with trailer, a singing laugh and learn chair, and a jacket and jumper. Craig bought him a ITNG book, Bethany bought him Igglepiggle and Layla bought him some cars for the bath, although we use them on his garage that he got off of his Nanny and Gramps. He also got the ninkynonk, a smaller igglepiggle, and an igglepiggle in his boat, clothes, money, a shape sorter, 2 (different) ITNG DVD's and a pull along dog. So did very well, considering we told everyone not to go mad lol.

For the children's party I bought an ITNG cake, then we had a family party on the Saturday and I made him a lovely round cake with blue and white icing on, then out of icing I made Humphrey!! (that's his comfort toy, it's the baby elephant from Humphrey's corner which is also a blankie and teether) looked fab!! (even if I do say so myself)

I decided to treat him on his Birthday and let him have some Robinson's squash (peach, and then summer fruits) which he loved, unfortuately I think it is this that made his face swell up as I also gave it to him the day after, and it's the only thing he'd had different really. Also a couple of days later he had marmite and green grapes and came out all blotchy, so he now has pirriton and I have to keep a record of what he seems sensitive too, tonight he reacted to our spag bol, I'd forgotten completely about marmite and lobbed some in it (well he's been eating it for months now, but it could have been any number of ingredients) So now I'm going to have to start cooking his dinners separately again, joy!!!!. On top of all that worry he also had an ear infection (hence why he was off colour on his Birthday) and so has been on antibiotics yet again!! and he's not been right again today, so much so that I've gone out and bought a sling to carry him about in more (I can use it for Layla too as she's such a lightweight lol)

Right well I'm exhausted, and I'm off shopping and hopefully to get out nails done too for Mother's Day, tomorrow (I know a day early) then we're having dinner at Mum's so no cooking yey!!!!!!!!!!!!


Update on Layla

This is an update on what has happened over the last week regarding Layla.

I took her this morning, she didn't know what was going to happen other than we were seeing a nurse and she was going to look at her arm, I told her she had to have her magic cream on which she got upset about, butwhen we got there she played while we waited and was an utter didn't flinch or murmer, and not a tear in sight. I told her afterwards that they'd taken a bit of her blood and that was going to help them find out what was making her tummy hurt, she was fine, and said it hadn't hurt at all. Then we went and got an ice lolly
Just got to wait for the results to come in now

The same night I got a phone call from the Dr's
The blood test results are back (not the full results but enough for them to ring us!!) she's slightly anaemic and has a really low white blood cell count, got to go back tomorrow to repeat just to check

She was a little star again, they dug about in the arm they used yesterday for an age, but couldn't get anything , so tried the other arm and after more digging about, they got the 2 test tubes they needed. She's been off colour today so kept her off of nursery and she's had an afternoon nap again, so I think the blood loss (I know it doesn't seem much) is affecting her she's a bit better now, but that could be the cola bottles and mini eggs lol.

That all happened on Monday and Tuesday, then despite a couple of calls to the Dr's I couldn't fine out any more really, got the results (same as Mon) on Thur and saw my GP this morning
I've been to see my GP, she said that her white blood count is still low, but slightly better that on Monday, and wants to repeat the tests in a fortnights time. I've also got to get another wee sample so they can do a dip stick test to check for blood in her urine, I'm pretty certain that'll be clear though, but typically I'd made her go to the loo just before we went to see the Dr and so she couldn't perform, so that'll be something nice to look forward to this afternoon Her thinking at the moment is that it's a virus of some sort that's caused it all and is hoping that her count will have increased at the next blood test. I've got to take her back if any of her symptoms get worse, she seemed particularly worried about her lack of energy (lying down during her gymtots), and headaches, she gets lots but they don't last long, if they start lasting for longer she wants to refer her to a pedeatrician (same if the bloods come back low again) So I've got to keep a symptom diary, along with Reilly's food diary (at least he seems to be ok now, although not tried him back on any of the suspect foods, nothing else had made him blochy )
So relieved that it seems to be nothing too scary though, bloomin Dr's get you all worried over nothing, if only he hadn't have sounded so worried on Monday eve, we wouldn't have spent the week worrying ourselves silly

Friday, 15 February 2008


She's been complaining of a tummy ache on and off for about 2 months now, and I've taken her to see the nurse (hardley ever get to see a Dr at our place) twice first time she wasn't sure, ordered urine sample (came back clear), second time thought it might be her glands. Anyhoo, was back there with Bethany (though she might have tonsilitis, she does, but not bad enough for anti b's ) asked how long and severe bouts of this gland thing could be for Layla as had had her in incredible pain and being sick on Sun morning with it, and she said I should take her to see the DR, we did this morning (all 6 of us, had the LO I mind with us too lol) and she thinks it's probably migraines of the stomache, although has ordered bloods to be taken (given me magic cream though ) to rule out anything more sinister and apparantly they don't order bloods in LO's unless they're worried as it stresses them out too much aslo cheking for anemia as she gets sooo tired at times. I've been given a anti spasm med for her (which she hates, so that's going to be fun ) and travell sickness tabs to stop the nausea (she like these though )
So now I'm not sure how I should be feeling Also she has an incedibly sore throat (I'm a horrid Mummy, just assumed it would be linked to the cold she has at the mo, but she has a nasty red raw patch, with the Dr showed me and told me to keep a close eye on and bring her back ASAP if it doesn't clear up by begining to middle of next week!!!!!)
But at least she hadn't lost any weight, she's put on 1lb since begining of Dec
So now I'm all over the place, I stopped myself asking what else they were testing for (althoug she's only ordered a full blood count, she said it would rule out a few other things?) as I knew I'd be off on an internet search the minute I got home if I knew, think it best to wait and see for definate if there is anything the matter before I go scaring myself silly


She's been complaining of a tummy ache on and off for about 2 months now, and I've taken her to see the nurse (hardley ever get to see a Dr at our place) twice first time she wasn't sure, ordered urine sample (came back clear), second time thought it might be her glands. Anyhoo, was back there with Bethany (though she might have tonsilitis, she does, but not bad enough for anti b's ) asked how long and severe bouts of this gland thing could be for Layla as had had her in incredible pain and being sick on Sun morning with it, and she said I should take her to see the DR, we did this morning (all 6 of us, had the LO I mind with us too lol) and she thinks it's probably migraines of the stomache, although has ordered bloods to be taken (given me magic cream though ) to rule out anything more sinister and apparantly they don't order bloods in LO's unless they're worried as it stresses them out too much aslo cheking for anemia as she gets sooo tired at times. I've been given a anti spasm med for her (which she hates, so that's going to be fun ) and travell sickness tabs to stop the nausea (she like these though )
So now I'm not sure how I should be feeling Also she has an incedibly sore throat (I'm a horrid Mummy, just assumed it would be linked to the cold she has at the mo, but she has a nasty red raw patch, with the Dr showed me and told me to keep a close eye on and bring her back ASAP if it doesn't clear up by begining to middle of next week!!!!!)
But at least she hadn't lost any weight, she's put on 1lb since begining of Dec
So now I'm all over the place, I stopped myself asking what else they were testing for (althoug she's only ordered a full blood count, she said it would rule out a few other things?) as I knew I'd be off on an internet search the minute I got home if I knew, think it best to wait and see for definate if there is anything the matter before I go scaring myself silly

childminding this week and last

Well I've not added much about the childminding in here so far, (well I did, but lost it!!) so here goes.

Last week

We had pancake day and chinese new year.
I made pancakes with the lo I look after while Layla is at nursery (Reilly was fast asleep in bed, bless) It was the first time she'd made or eaten pancakes and really enjoyed making them, got in a bit of a mess with the flour lol and she was unsure of the eggs, but we got there, I thought she'd be well impresesd with my flipping skills, but she walked off to play with the scooter!!! and then didn't like them, still I think it was a good experience for her :) I have 3 school age children that I have for about 45mins after school on a Tue this week and next week whilst their Mum is on a placement, so we had a pancake each for our snack :) and they were thrilled that I flipped their pancakes (YEY!!!) and they loved them too :) Then Craig, Bethany, Layla and Reilly (and Me and DH of course) had pancakes for our dinner. YUMMY

I found some print outs of the different symbols used in China to represent the years and we worked out which year we were born under. We had "2 Dragons, 1 Rabbit, 2 Monkeys, 1 Pig, 3 Horses, and a goat lol and I had printed out the characteristics of each annimal and we agreed that we did have the said characteristics of our annimals (well mostly lol) I explained a bit about how in China they have big street parties to celebrate and fireworks (and that these were invented in China) and that if we were living in China we'd all be off of school or work to celebrate (surprisingly they thought we should move lol) I'd tried to get hold of some fortune cookies but had been unable to, so we just had prawn crackers for our snack, and everyone enjoyed them. Then we did some colouring sheets of the Rat and Dragon (as that was everyone's favourite) I then made a chinese meal for us for dinner (none of the children I mind stay late enough to have dinner) and only Craig appreciated my efforts lol

I also made a sparkly shaker with my younges mindee as she came dressed in silver one day and had loved the one Layla had made at nursery, she was so chuffed and kept walking about shaking it and doing a funky dance lol

This week

Unfortunately either us or the children I mind have been ill most of this week, so Monday I didn't have any (both of them off sick) Tue was a day off (apart from the morining this week as I take the 3 older ones to school, but they just love to play board games of Kim's game in the morinings for the 20mins or so before we leave to get there in time) Wed and Thur, I had to not have my youngest as I had Bethany off with susspected tonsilitis (my older one came anyway on the Thur-Wed is a day off) and I had them both today, and it was a teacher training day for all except Layla, bless her, so we all took her off to lunch club at nursery where she was having her photos taken (hope they wiped her nose and make her look half decent lol) and picked her up again (and we were at the Dr's with her too, see other post!!) Then we made a chocolate cake, yummy, with tonnes of choc icing and sprinkles :)
Bethany and the older child I mind also made up stories and did drawings, aswell as played schools, High School Musical, and did some dancing and singing to songs in the living room. I'm glad it's the weekend!!!

I really hope I can kick this sore throat I've got and pray we get some warmer weather so we can get out to some parks next week :)

Right Reilly's waking up, so I'm off to do the milky run :)


Wednesday, 13 February 2008

sick, sick, sick

That's what our house hold is this week (and alot of others around here!) Monday I had Craig off of school (although tbh he wasn't as ill as he made out!!) and today (wednesday) I've had Bethany off as she had a sky high temp which started suddenly after school yesterday and I was up all night with her, and Layla, and Reilly (Layla still has a sore tummy, must take her back to the Dr's again to find out what's going on as it's been at least a month now) Reilly was just after milk lol, but Bethany was poorly, her throat is really sore so I'm going to take her to the Dr's tommorrow and check it's not tonsillitis. Poor mites just come downstairs as she hasn't been able to get to sleep because it's getting worse, so I'm going to go now.


Saturday, 9 February 2008

Just a quickie

Just a quick one tonight :)
I typed out a long essay last night, but it seems to have vanished (phew I hear you cry) I've had a glass of wine and am far too tired to repeat it all tonight, so will do it again another time. Just wanted to say that after waking up feeling down the day turned out alright in the end. I made J go out with all of the children to B&Q and then the pet shop whilst I tidied up our house, how on Earth it had gotten sooooo messy after I'd been tidying all week, I'll never know, but it's a little better now, guess it'll never be a showhome, but I can dream. I had Robbie blasting out and all the windows open as it was such a beautiful day, then phoned my Mum and we went out for a coffee, no-where posh, just around a local garden centre, then we had a drive and found a country park, had a wonder and another coffee. Just soo lovely to do someting without the children for a change. I know it sounds mean, and I wouldn't be without them for anything, however every now and then I think it does me and therefore them good to get out and be ME again without worrying about things like high chairs/nappies/milk etc. They were all soooo pleased to see me again when I came in, poor Reilly wasn't sure what had happened to me all afternoon I don't think as he wouldn't let me put him down once I re-appeared bless him.

Right, I'm off to bed as I'm pooped, it's deffinately J's turn to get up with them all in the morning

Friday, 8 February 2008


I'm a Mum of four absolutely gorgeous children, 2 boys and 2 girls aged 7, 5, 3 and very nearly 1 (how scarily quick has that gone???) My eldest Craig, is in his first year at Juniour School, Bethany is in year 1 at Infants, Layla has just started at Nursery, she shouldn't really have gotten in until September, but they had spaces and she's one of the eldest in the next year and so she got a place, and loves it. I was sooooo relieved as we'd had teething problems at pre-school last year. Then there's Reilly who is unbelievably 1 in two weeks time aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh, how on Earth has that happened????

Me, well I'm Vicky and am 31, married to Jim who's 32 and we've been married for nearly 11years now!!! Like I said I'm a Mum to our gorgeous children, and I'm also a childminder. I won't be naming any of the children I mind, or posting their pictures on here as this is more of a personal thing for me, really, but I will be sharing the activities and fun that we get up to one here as a sort of record of what I do as a childminder as I'm going to be starting a course soon (I hope, I signed up a couple of weekends ago, but haven't heard anything yet)

I've not really done anything like this before. I did a pregnancy diary for my last two children online, but nothing kind of ongoing, so I hope I can keep it up!!